We offer true support, not just a playbook

Whether it’s strategy, systems, or hands-on support that you need, we’ve developed a range of solutions to support you no matter where you are on your new business growth journey.

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Find the right solutions

Expand each section below to browse our core solutions. Assemble your own custom quote and we will get back with a proposal.

convert at a higher rate

Improve conversion rate and impress prospects through all stages of the pitch process.

Agency Discovery Research

Gain deeper insight into your current strengths, points of difference, and opportunities. Includes internal stakeholder interviews, competitive research of likeminded agencies, existing client interviews. Includes ten 30 minute interviews, and compilation of findings and insights.

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3rd Party Panel Research

Get feedback on agency materials from a a panel of potential customers from a selected industry of choice. Includes preparation of research study, and assistance preparing stimulus & agency pitch video. Covers three participants, including their compensation.

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Strategy & Messaging Workshop

We will complete all preparation and lead a live workshop where we will present findings from discovery research, and co-create the agency messaging strategy. Participation of 3rd party consultants not included.

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Develop Core Agency Messaging

Informed by strategy & messaging workshop, we will help develop full kit of unique messaging for agency positioning, vision, philosophy, structure, and services. Includes three rounds of revisions.

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Build System to Present Digital RFIs

We will customise a template for your agency, specifically built to beautifully present digital RFI responses. Assumes usage of existing UX structure and features, with branding and identity customised for the agency. Software costs not included.

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Quick "Get Smart" Research

A quick dive into the consumer, category, and competitive landscape surrounding the client opportunity. Research will go deep enough to inform a persuasive cover letter that demonstrates a firm understanding of key macro and market drivers affecting their business, as well as opportunities and challenges they might face.

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Cover Letter Writing

Process starts with a brief that outlines insights from the research, key agency talking points, and narrative arc of the overall proposal. An experienced agency copywriter will then craft a 1-page cover letter to set the tone of the proposal. Includes 1-round of revisions.

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Digital Fee Proposal Preparation

We will input all final proposal content into a digital submission leveraging Proposify software. Assumes that agency Digital Proposal system has already been created as a part of the NB Operations Section.

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Deep Dive "Get Smart" Research

Get your pitch process off to a good start with a deep dive research report on the consumer, category, and company. Includes a full review of direct competitors, as well as an assessment on substitutes, and potential new entrants. We will complete a full Pestal analysis to understand larger macro forces that are influencing the client, as well as a deep dive assessment of their business. We will leverage panel research tools like Global Web Index, and any additional agency licensed tools to uncover key consumer insights that can be leveraged.

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Custom Survey for Pitch Support

We will commission and lead a custom research study diving deeper into opportunities uncovered through the Get Smart research. Covers management & design only, and does not include 3rd party panel costs or respondent compensation. Includes usage of our licensed research tools.

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Pitch Leadership

An experienced agency leader with 10+ years of experience will jump in to lead the entire pitch process, and collaborate across departments.

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Category Expert Consult

Get support from an external expert with deep experience within a specific category to support existing opportunities, or development of content for new prospects.

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create more opportunities

Proactively generate a pipeline of new leads where the agency has a “right to win”.

Defining Growth Strategy

Leveraging an inside-out approach, we will help you define your "right to win", and build a connected growth strategy that will help improve your conversion rate and drive sustainable growth.

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Prospect List Building

Building off of your growth strategy, we will curate and deliver a tailored prospect list that is organised around your strengths and opportunities.

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Outbound Sales CRM Set-up

Set-up outbound prospecting system that makes your prospect list actionable. Tying everything into CRM system will help turn content and new business efforts into leads. Includes integrations between CRM, LinkedIn Sales Navigator, and Mail Delivery Services (i.e. Mailchimp).

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Content Strategy, Planning & Idea Generation

Informed by your Growth Strategy, we will develop a content and channel strategy for your agency. Includes content idea generation around priority topics, as well as SEO keyword research and editorial planning.

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Infographic Development

Leveraging existing and syndicated data-sources, we will develop a custom branded infographic that brings data to life in a compelling way. Does not include costs to source or license data-set.

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Blog Content to Drive Organic Traffic

Leveraging insights from SEO keyword search, we will develop a series of blog posts meant to attract organic in-bound traffic. Requires content strategy & planning.

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Custom Survey for Content Creation

Building off of content strategy, we will commission a custom research study to dive deeper on an agency area of expertise. Covers management & design only, and does not include 3rd party panel costs or respondent compensation.

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Thought Leadership Article

In an effort to raise the profile of agency staff, we will ghost-write a blog / article that can be used to pitch industry trade press, and serve as content for direct prospect outreach

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White Paper / Report

We will dive deep on a particular topic to deliver a 10+ page White Paper that can be used as a lead magnet to drive downloads. Includes costs for research, copywriting, project management, and design.

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LinkedIn Carousel

A multi-slide carousel with insights on a particular topic, along with an accompanied LinkedIn post.

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Prospect Outreach Campaign

Building off of your content development and prospecting activities, we will support you by developing a multi-channel outreach sequence to activate current content & drive leads. Base pricing covers 1-month of coverage. Includes initial outreach to new targeted prospects, as well as strategic follow-up with existing targets.

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LinkedIn Ads Campaign

We will help you structure and launch a LinkedIn lead generation campaign to drive downloads to Agency content, and new leads. Cost includes 1 month of management and optimisation, but does not include pass-through media costs.

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improve efficiency

Streamline new business operations & align your leadership around a unified growth strategy.

Digital Tools Audit

Get an external audit of existing new business tech stack to evaluate connectedness, effectiveness, and value.

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Develop New Business Knowledge Center

Set-up and configure a searchable database of knowledge related to your new business operations. Includes list of clients, companies, proposals, case studies, references, capabilities, and category expertise. Includes process documentation and video demos to train existing & onboard new staff.

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Configure Internal CRM

Set-up a configuration of CRM system specifically designed for Agency New Business Management. Includes up to 5 no-code integrations to connect CRM with key agency tools, and avoid paying premium fees. Includes process documentation and video demos to train existing & onboard new staff.

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Set-up NB Project Management System

We will set-up and configure a project management system specifically built and optimised for agency New Business operations. Includes no-code automations between New Business Database and Hubspot CRM. Includes process documentation and video demos to train existing & onboard new staff.

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Implement Proposal Management System

We will create a digital proposal management system optimised to help manage and close agency project work. Includes developing a custom template for your agency, and uploading a pricing library. Includes no-code integrations between CRM, Project Management System, and Agency Financial Tools (when possible).

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